Lundi 27 mai 1 27 /05 /Mai 00:11

La cérémonie de remise des Grabby Awards 2013, véritables oscars du porno gay, s'est déroulée à Chicago. Voici la liste des vainqueurs : 


Performer of the year Trenton DUCATI et Jimmy DURANO Trenton Jimmy
Best Director Jake Jaxson (CockyBoys)
Best Movie Project Gogo Boy (CockyBoys) 373142 279768915465448 1747209315 n
Best Newcommer Max RYDER Max-Ryder-141
Best Actor Christian WILDE christian+wilde+x5
Best Screenplay Mr. PAM (Wilde Road)
Best Fetish Pantyhos (Lucas Entertainment) lucas entertainment pantyhos front cover chronicles of porn
Best Fetish Extreme Safeword (Raging Stallion) FFC024 dvdFNT
Best Versatile Performer Trenton DUCATI tumblr inline mgqbunu2kF1qb3fcm
Lifetime Achievement Award Matthew RUSH mattrush
Brent CORRIGAN !!!!24
Hottest Top Jimmy DURANO 106316 JimmyDurano 4990-cop
Hottest Bottom Tate RYDER BEEZhaRCQAAUsJd-large
Hottest Cock Tommy DEFENDI tommy-defendi-01
Best Group Jake GENESIS, Tate RYDER, Derek PARKER (The Dom, Hothouse) 72b1446878351a35ed1d2deff7d1399c
Best Solo Adam KILLIAN (Fahrenheit, Falcon) sc 9828 04 10
Best Duo Mick LOVELL & Kris EVANS (American Lovers 2, Bel Ami) Kris-Evans-Mick-Lovell-291x340
Jessy ARES & Scott HUNTER (Nightfall, Titan Men) nightfall scene3 Ares Hunter 19
Manly Man Charlie HARDING 27707 1
Best All Sex To Fuck A Predator Gangbang (Jet Set Men) to-fuck-a-predator-gangbang-jet-set-men
Best Twink Movie Captain Americock (Boy Crush) image
Best Still Photographer Kent TAYLOR
Best Web Original Content
Web Performer of the year Austin WILDE 9508 15 
Best Mega Site  
Best VOD Site  
Best Fetish Site  
Best Video Company Site Hot House  
Best Videography The Dom (Hot House) hh083 dvd box
Steamworks Fan Favorite Project Gogo Boy (CockyBoy) 373142 279768915465448 1747209315 n

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